CANADEM's Humanitarian Response in Moldova
~ Logistics of Care ~
Edmon Alashotie with UNFPA in Moldova
Warehouse Management Specialist
I will never forget the days we delivered the new medical equipment’s to the North and South Moldova regions hospitals to assist the needs of the mothers and children’s hospitals and I was beyond touched to receive so many thoughtful comments from the hospital staff and the patients for our contribution and assisting in providing some of the new medical equipment that has been not available and also replacing the 40 years old other medical equipment in the facility.
After waiting for years, it was so good to see, Doctors will finally work in modern condition with UNFPA donation for the maternity hospital and pregnant women, mothers, and babies in the Republic of Moldova will have better conditions and benefit from quality medical services. Because the maternities are equipped with modern equipment by the UN Population Fund.
I was very pleased to be part for support Moldovan doctors, who show selflessness and perseverance in times of crisis. And with this equipment, they will offer quality services both to women from Moldova and to refugees from Ukraine.

Known that more than 15 000 babies are born annually at the 7 maternity hospitals that was equipped by UNFPA and the donation will contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality indicators in the Republic of Moldova and will increase the access of women to quality reproductive health services.

What does increasing the capacities of these nine perintological centers mean? This fact means that 15,000 births will be performed annually, with the support of high-performance equipment. And also, hundreds of critically ill newborns will be saved, too, thanks to modern equipment installed in intensive care units.
And this brings new hopes for woman suffering from onco-gynecological diseases. And UNFPA support for the oncology institute equipment for the operating room of the oncology and mammalogy department of the Oncology Institute was donated by UNFPA.
The support is granted following a comprehensive analysis of the urgent needs of medical institutions of strategic importance. It will contribute to reducing the waiting time for women to be operated on in a modern operating room and will increase the access of Moldovan women and refugees to health services. In addition to medical equipment, the ward also received necessary equipment and medical furniture for examination rooms, post-operative and intensive care rooms: special beds, ventilator, monitor, electrocardiograph, stretcher for intensive care, defibrillators, gynecological armchairs, refrigerators for medicine storage, sterilizer.